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Published on March 21, 2024

Spotlight to stay on-track

darwin.Cloud - run your brokerage from your phone.  With darwin mobile, you can manage cash, pay your bills, check your budgets and message with everyone ... all from your phone.

Introducing darwin mobile for Brokers

We first created darwin.Cloud mobile as a way for Broker/Owners to view their spotlights while on the road.  Recently, darwin mobile has expanded to become a cash management and communication tool.

As margins get tighter, brokerages are undergoing a re-organization to lower costs and re-focus on the people and the projects that actually create revenue.  In light of the challenges brokerages are facing, AccountTECH has restarted our accounting practice.  Now, darwin users can get ALL of their back office accounting done by the experienced financial professionals at AccountTECH for a small fraction of what they are currently spending on labor.

With all ( or most ) of your accounting work being done by your team at AccountTECH, you will want to "keep tabs" on the financials and performance - but not DO THE WORK of creating the financials.  That's were accounting services from AccountTECH steps in.  You can learn more about accounting services from AccountTECH at a new website we created for services:

From darwin.Cloud mobile, you can manage cash, pay your bills, check your budgets and communicate with everyone in a way the stores and categorizes your texts for easy, context-sensitive retrieval.

To get an idea of what your life will be like after you start having AccountTECH do your accounting, just watch this introductory video.  By the way, if you keep your accounting work in-house, you can still take advantage of all the benefits of darwin.Cloud mobile from your phone.

Ready to evolve?

Request a demo or learn more about the power of darwin.