analytic dashboards in darwin.Cloud

Behind the Scenes: Spotlights

While working together to finish darwin.Cloud, Mark Blagden, CEO of AccountTECH and Helkyn Coello, VP OF Development recorded a series on conversations about the design & building of darwin.Cloud. This is their conversation about:  EOS style scorecards and Analytic Spotlights

Pending cash flow

Forecast your Pending cash flow from Closings for this month - and compare that to expected Expenses for this month.

Customize agent dashboards

Now you can customize your Agent dashboards to highlight the most important numbers your Agents want to see.

Control dashboard security and visibility

Setup unique Spotlights for each role in your company

Net profit per agent

Total Income per Agent numbers are helpful - but they're not the whole story.  We need to see agent income compared to the overhead in the office where they work.

Profit & Loss

KPI Spotlight: Profit & Loss.  Using a collection of key performance indicators, you can quickly review Profit for last month and Year to date, then compare your performance to the prior year.

Income vs Budget

Income vs Budget.  Spotlights are the newest and best way to see how your company is performing.  Using a collection of key performance indicators, you can quickly see Income by month or cumulatively thru the year and how it compares to budget.

Team Ranking Leaderboard

Using a collection of key performance indicators, you can quickly see which of your Teams is performing best - based on 4 essential KPI.

Agent Ranking

Agent ranking views lets you separate individual agents from team members. You can quickly see which of your Agents are performing best - based on 4 essential KPI.

Office Ranking

See which of your offices are performing best - based on 6 different metrics.

Agent dashboard analytics

Watch this brief introduction to the home page of darwin analytics for Agents. The agent's home page shows agents their year-over-year production as well as their goals as the key metrics.

Agents Goals calcuator

with darwin Cloud for agents, each agent can set their personal production goals. Then each day when they log into darwin.Cloud, they will see their actual personal production numbers compared to both their goals and their production from the prior year

Top 5 Agents Leaderboard

Now you can quickly see the Top 5 Agents based on 6 different metrics - for a variety of different date ranges

Commission margins

KPI widgets let you quickly see the Commission percentages your agents are charging to Buyers and Sellers.

Pending contracts written

How many new Contracts are your agents writing and how does that compare to Goal and how does it compare to last year

Company $ split percentage

Using a collection of key performance indicators to see what percentage your company has paid in split percentages last month and Year to Date.

Cost of Goods sold

Explore the different KPI on Pending spotlight that make up the cost of goods sold group

1st 100 days

What this spotlight shows is every agent recruited in the last 100 days. Then for each one it shows how many days till their 1st listing, how many days till their 1st deal Pending and how many days till their first closing.

Key Performance Indicators

Budgets can be more than just Profit and Loss reports. In Real Estate, there are many metrics you use to measure your company and predict the near-term performance of your office. This report in darwin lets you compare your office performance to your goal on a large number of KPI