New darwin.Cloud feature: Store agent billing documents online
darwin.Cloud lets you store documents related to agent billing
The uploaded documents are stored on the invoice screen and attached to your agent bills.
This most obvious use for this feature is to store a copy of the agent’s payment along with their invoice. If you are charging an agent to reimburse the company for some expense, you could store a copy of the bill you paid to the supplier.
Or maybe your marketing department wants to store print outs of a work-order the agent placed for advertising product.
There's a couple other reasons to store copies of your bills online. For disaster recovery and business continuity, it's critical to have access to your files, even if some natural disaster damages your file cabinets. The other reason is for audits. If you ever want to audit your agent billing, you have the backup. Then, it's easy to justify any reimbursement charge.
Watch this short video to see how to store agent billing documents in darwin.Cloud
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