Behind the scenes: the story behind darwin.Cloud

While working together to finish darwin.Cloud, Mark Blagden, CEO of AccountTECH and Helkyn Coello, VP OF Development recorded a series on conversations about the design & building of darwin.Cloud. This is their conversation about the long road to building darwin.Cloud.
Italian dispatch series
Between November 2023 and January 2024, MARK BLAGDEN, CEO of AccountTECH and Helkyn Coello, VP OF Development worked together in Helkyn's home town of Lake Como, Italy to put the finishing touches on darwin.Cloud.
darwin.Cloud is the 4th generation of this software that these two men first starting building in 2001. At this time, it is the only enterprise class accounting software for Real Estate that is entirely web browser based.
In this discussion, Mark Blagden, CEO of AccountTECH and Helkyn Coello, VP for Software development, discuss the history and evolution of AccountTECH software that has now become darwin.Cloud. While long-term clients may think of darwin.Cloud as a new software that they started to use in 2023, this replatforming and re-design was originally conceived and planned back in 2015. To build an enterprise-class accounting software for Real Estate in a web browser, there is alot of fundamental architecture and security that need to be in place before you can begin. The prior version of darwin Citrix started to lay the foundations for darwin.Cloud. Additionally, over the last few years, new technology has made it possible to add all sorts of enhanced efficiency features ... and we were determined to put all of the best tech in darwin.Cloud. This conversation tells the story of how darwin.Cloud came to be.
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