darwin.Cloud  short demo videos

Intro to darwin

A stand-alone platform that automates commission accounting & bookkeeping. Flexible, multi-company, user-friendly software with everything you need to run a modern & efficient real estate back office. Integrate with MLS & other programs. Import data from your old software.

Historical Data from Old Software

You can take it with you! Let AccountTECH help you bring your historical financial data and agent production data. Year-over-year reports will show your old data in your new software.


with darwin cloud reporting, you get in-depth, multi-faceted analysis that combines agent production with Profit & Loss financial data. Use the flexibility built into darwin cloud to customize the content in each report and save your customizations as new reports you can save and share with others. Beyond just printing the reports you can export the reports or have them emailed to you on schedule.

Customizing Reports

Every broker has different ideas about what data should be shown on their reports...and that changes depending on if you are showing a report to managers vs agents. darwin lets you customize every report to show only the data that matters to you.

Connect all the software you use

Learn how darwin connects to the other software programs you rely on. Gather and merge data from all your systems for real "single point of entry" and simplified franchise reporting. See why we say: "Everything talks to AccountTECH"

Multiple Companies in the Same Software

darwin supports all your companies in the same software. darwin keeps separate financials for each company, but lets you roll-up all your companies for a unified view of your complete organization.


Import listings and photos from any MLS automatically 24/7. Capture updates to your listings and photos automatically and transmit your listings to your franchise. If you ever need it, darwin lets you grab new listings and updates on-demand too!

Add photos by email or upload

Since all your listing photos import from the MLS, you never need to add photos to your listings. But if you want to use high-resolution photos instead of the MLS photos - or if you have a non-MLS listing that needs photos for your franchise. You can add photos to a property by uploading them or emailing them into the property

Analytics dashboards

the interactive dashboards let you analyze your production numbers visually. darwin cloud has a variety of dashboards that reveal a wide range of KPI

Agent dashboard analytics

Watch this brief introduction to the home page of darwin analytics for Agents. The agent's home page shows agents their year-over-year production as well as their goals as the key metrics.

Agents Goals calcuator

with darwin Cloud for agents, each agent can set their personal production goals. Then each day when they log into darwin.Cloud, they will see their actual personal production numbers compared to both their goals and their production from the prior year

Pending Transaction

See how darwin updates pending transactions and how all the software programs you use help keep your pending transactions updated for your Brokers, your Agents and your franchise.

Add documents by email or upload

darwin.Cloud includes unlimited document storage. Anyone can add documents to a transaction. Your staff can upload documents from their computer into a transaction. But anyone can add documents to a transaction by just emailing the PDF into the property address assigned to the property.

Gross Commission & Payments

Watch how darwin makes it easy to divide the gross commission between multiple agents. You can specify who gets the award credit and then you can pay everyone by direct deposit or check. Remeber that Agents are not the only people who need to get paid on a closing, so darwin handles that too!

Quickbooks replacement: stream bank activity

darwin.Cloud now has enhanced automation that streams bank and credit card activity into darwin. This technology saves time & enables you to much more accurately classify payments that stream into darwin daily.

Quickbooks replacement: Automatic bank reconciliations

darwin.Cloud connects to your bank and auto-clears both checks and deposits in your bank reconciliation

Quickbooks replacement: Multi office expense allocation

darwin.Cloud can automatically post and incoming expense to the correct supplier and expense account - and then proportionally divide the expense across all the offices in your billing group 

Commission Calculation

darwin can handle every commission plan in your company, no matter how complicated the commission plans. See how the flexibility in darwin lets it handle every commission calculation for every situation.


There are lots of reasons to pay an override. And maybe there are many people who should get an override on the same agent. And sometimes you need sequential overrides. darwin calculates and accounts for all of this automatically.

Direct Deposit automatically

Integrated direct deposit in darwin.Cloud means that your brokerage can save 100% of the time your closing department spends sending out direct deposit payments

Record commission deposits in advance of the closing

When a Commission deposit comes in before you're ready to close a property, darwin.cloud has new features, that make it easy to record the deposit ... and simultaneously, make the deposit visible to everyone on staff.

Fix a Commission pre-payment deposit

It can happen that a commission payment is received in advance of a closing, but when received, the pre-payment was  inadvertently applied to the wrong property. The problem isn't that we don't have the money.  The issue is that the money is attached to the wrong transaction.  darwin.Cloud is built to automate time consuming and complex accounting entries. This tool is an example of how darwin.Cloud simplifies accounting in a fast and simple way.

MLS to Dash

See how darwin automates dash so you never have to do any data entry in dash ever again.

Key Performance Indicators

Budgets can be more than just Profit and Loss reports. In Real Estate, there are many metrics you use to measure your company and predict the near-term performance of your office. This report in darwin lets you compare your office performance to your goal on a large number of KPI

Run Last Launched report tool

On the reports screen in darwin dot cloud, there's a  tool that you'll find yourself using all the time.  It's called: Run last launched report.  This tool is especially helpful when you're designing custom reports. The benefit of this tool is that it remember the last report you looked at - and it also remembers the settings you selected.  


Escrow accounting lets you record escrow deposits, write escrow checks and reconcile escrow bank accounts. If your company uses and escrow application to collect buyer's deposits, it's likely that your escrow software already is integrated with AccountTECH.

Agent Billing

Agent billing in darwin is automatic. Send agent bills by email or let agents log into darwin.cloud to view and pay their bills online. darwin supports payment by commission deduction, check, credit card and ACH withdrawal...all within the software without using any third party software or bank websites.

Store copies of your bills online

With darwin.Cloud, you can upload and store copies of your bills online. The copy of your bill gets stored with your bill so you will always have it handy for research and reference.

Reclassify expenses after they're paid

With darwin.Cloud, it’s easy to fix mis-postings.  You don’t have to create complex adjusting journal entries. You don’t need to Unpost payments and vouchers and then rePost.  Even if a bill is posted and paid - and even if the payment has cleared the bank - you can correct mis-postings on the original voucher. 

Billing groups make splitting bills easy

darwin.Cloud has a new feature for splitting bills: Billing groups. It makes it really fast to take a bill, put it in darwin, and divide it across lots of your offices... automatically.

Recover expenses on bills from Agents

Sometimes it happens that you get a bill and the expenses on the bill need to be charged to your agents to pay you back. The Divide expense wizard in darwin.Cloud will enter the bill, divide it between agents and invoice them ... all at once

Store bank deposit receipts online

Store copies of your bank deposit receipts in darwin.Cloud

Reclassify GL accounts from Agent billing

The reality is everyone makes mistakes with Agent billing.  Usually no one notices until the financials are posted.  Then, someone is looking at the Profit and Loss vs Budget, and they see some line item that is “out of whack”

With darwin.Cloud, it’s easy to fix agent billing that was put to the wrong gl account.  You don’t have to create complex adjusting journal entries. You don’t need to Unpost or UnReconcile invoices and payments.

Attach documents to Agent billing

darwin.Cloud lets you store docs online that link to agent billing 

The scanned documents are stored on the invoice screen and attached to your agent bills.

This most obvious use for this feature is to store a copy of the agent’s payment along with their invoice. 

Apply agent unpaid bills withholding automatically

This new feature in darwin.Cloud lets you automatically pay off agents bills when you close a transaction. 

When an agent has unpaid bills due to the office, you can take what they owe out of their commission check. This automatically puts a credit on their account and adjusts their balance due.

Quick fix check numbers on payments

In darwin.Cloud, you can now add the missing check numbers without having unpost or re-do any of your work.

Allocate expenses across all your offices

Now you can quickly and accurately allocate expenses across all your offices using the Divide expense wizard in darwin.Cloud

Journal entry links to suppliers

darwin.Cloud has new features for tracking purchases from Suppliers that are paid by credit card. 

It solves this problem: How do you record Journal entries to classify credit card expenses - and still track purchases by supplier ?

Import your bills from Excel

One option for entering your bills is to import them from Excel. This works well in a number of different situations. For instance, when you have a really long bill (like a credit card statement) or a large number of recurring charges that vary only in amount from month to month.

Import payroll expenses

Now, you can import your payroll expenses into darwin.Cloud. No matter what payroll service you use, they all offer an excel export of the payroll expenses, liabilities and cash withdrawals that were made for each payroll period.

Import Credit Card charges

There are 3 different ways to import credit card charges into darwin.Cloud. This video shows how to import credit card charges as Journal entries

Agent license status

Now, on every screen in darwin.Cloud, you can see the when an agent license is expired.  No matter how many license types are expired, if its important to you to know about the expiration - you can now see it on every screen


1099 are calculated, printed and submitted from darwin - no matter what 1099 calculation formula you use.

Security Levels & Controlling User Access

In these times, security is much more than a username and password. Learn how AccountTECH uses a multi-layered approach to protect your company and your data.

why Cloud now - Multiple company accounting

why Cloud now - a look behind the scenes at the decisions, thinking & timing behind the next version of darwin softare: darwin Cloud. This video focuses on support for unlimited companies inside of darwin Cloud. This lets you do all the accounting for all of your companies - all in one application

why Cloud now - Integration with other software

Why Cloud now - a look behind the scenes at the decisions, thinking & timing behind the next version of darwin softare: darwin Cloud This video focuses on Integrating darwin Cloud with other software programs by importing their data into darwin

why Cloud now - Company Store

Why Cloud now - a look behind the scenes at the decisions, thinking & timing behind the next version of darwin softare: darwin Cloud This video focuses on a new functionality we call: Company store.  This automates the process of selling, tracking and invoicing things that you sell to agents.